Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"Ten Things That Make You Really Happy...."

kate winslet

Day 14 of the "Blog Every Day In May" challenge is "ten things that make you really happy"....
so many things make me happy, so it's a case of narrowing it down....

1. reading a book that you simply can't put down, the kind that keeps you up til 1am
2. waking up to sunshine

3. walking on Hampstead Heath
4. planning a trip

5. going to the cinema
6. music, I have it playing 80% of the time & it instantly lifts my spirits

7. sunday night dinners, our longest meal of the week & the one time we are all together
8. time alone....I find this essential

9.  a good milky latte
10. my bed, specifically that moment when you first get into bed & exhale....
and think "why didn't I do this an hour ago?!"

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