Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Day 22 of The Challenge
Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox. Share your pet peeves

1 People who don't respect other people's personal space - and this coming from someone who travelled on the London Underground for years at rush hour. 
Even when standing like a sardine there is a way of creating personal space!

2 The incredibly selfish commuters who won't give up their seats for those who are pregnant, old or just in need.
Very easy on a packed Tube to pretend you haven't seen the pregnant or old person....
don't pretend, give up your seat.

I travelled on the Tube throughout both my pregnancies....
I was sometimes offered a seat when there wasn't one already available, but many times I wasn't....
I stood up on a semi-packed train the whole of my 30 min journey home just four days before my daughter was born.
I also vomited into my hands (way TMI I know - sorry!) whilst 6 months & clearly pregnant on a rush-hour train heading for work - and still no one gave me a seat!!!! 
Naming & shaming you Northern line!!

3 Ignorance, rudeness & lack of respect

4 don't need as much as you think you do, you can't use it all & if you can't use it then recycle it or give it to someone who will.

Also on my list are....

checkout assistants who appear to want to attempt to get through a whole transaction with me without engaging in eye contact or uttering a single syllable

mobile phone companies & their customer services, it doesn't seem to matter which company, they're all equally frustrating, I will do anything to avoid having to call them

males who wear their trousers halfway - or even underneath - their backsides.... 
what is that about?!? 
I'd like to say it's just teenagers but I've seen "grown" men sporting this look, including an H&M sales assistant.....seriously, you look RIDICULOUS!!!?

women who do their make up or their nails on the Tube. only made worse when they then glare at you if you find yourself staring at them....
you are on public transport, doing something that most of us do in private

the only thing worse than this is cutting your nails on a train whilst seated next to someone,
i've seen this happen more than once.
completely gross. if you do this in public, goodness only knows what you are like in private.    

people who talk very loudly on public transport whilst on their phones....
if you do get a call, make it quick since the whole bus really does not want or need to hear an entire verbatim account of your lunch plans/next deal/last date/last doctor's appointment/your s*x life. 
Believe me.

And finally....bad manners.
How hard can it be to say please, thank you and add a smile?   

Okay, rant over!!
(Be glad that I no longer travel on public transport every day, I'm sure those that do have even worse tales!)

Whilst we are on the subject of ranting, my broadband & internet connection over the last few months has been woeful, it's driving me nuts. I know that I need to find another option but, as always with phone companies, I dread the phone call to the operator.....
you're on hold for ages, transferred around only to then be invariably told that they can't help you/you're tied to your contract/there is no better option.
It can be the very definition of frustration.

I am sure there is a better option but I can't seem to find it!
I think what I probably need is something like BT Superfast Broadband but need some more details ....another one of those situations when a fabulous, super-competent PA seems like the best option, wouldn't that be lovely, someone to come in & sort all that technical "stuff" out?!



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