Sunday, May 5, 2013

Blog Every Day in May : Day 5 - Profess Your Love

Gill was just 15 when I was born and, quite simply, she has always been a constant in my life.
She is a rock & a touchstone for me, she has my back.

If she wasn't around, she would leave a gap which would be the emptiest - and saddest - in my life.
There is something about her that makes me more aware of that when I think of her than anyone else I know.
My life would be completely different without her in it.
I almost can't even express it in words....
but I am consciously so grateful for her, I feel lucky to have her. 

Gill is my aunt....and, the older I get, the more thankful I am for that every single day
She makes a difference to my life. She makes all the difference.

As I go through my day, she's often the voice in my head....
we don't talk every day but she'll often phone just as I'm thinking of her....
she always has time.

She knows from my first word how I'm feeling - and vice versa.
As in all the best friendships, we have a shorthand....
there is so much that I don't even need to explain to her, she knows it already.

We moved away from Wales (where she lived) when I was 6, but she visited frequently.
My parents separated not long after and although, thankfully, those days are misty memories,
I always knew she was there. 

I know now that, when my parents weren't always doing the right thing, she would often step up on behalf of my brothers and I.

If I had to name someone who knows me better than I know myself.....
without hesitation, it would be her.
And actually, it's a very comforting feeling....

I think she knows why I make certain choices & why I'm like I am.
She just gets me.
She has - quite literally - known me forever.

I have two brothers, she has of whom is my father.
But we're not just connected by blood, we are really good friends, although our shared experiences as only girls in our families definitely binds us together

I used to spend my summers with my grandparents in Wales & I would be put in her room squeezed on a tiny camp-bed next to hers.
I used to talk in my sleep, something we still laugh about :)

When I think of her, in my mind she looks as she used to a 20-something....
I never ever think of her getting older or even being older than me.

I'd love to see her more often, I wish we lived on the same street quite honestly....
she is my biggest comforter....
my cheerleader, the person who always makes me laugh & the one who I would never, and wouldn't even want to, lie to.
 I can tell her absolutely anything.

She tells me the truth, says what needs to be said & has a way of making me like I'm the most capable person in the world....
as though I can do anything.

If I'm honest, she does the things for me that I think my parents should be doing & should have done.

She doesn't have children herself but she is the best aunt in the world....
I've known her the longest out of all the cousins because I am the eldest....
she always makes me feel as though I'm the most special....
although I would bet she makes the others feel like that too!!

Everyone needs that one person who they know through thick & thin will be there and will be rooting for them - she's my person.   

Day 5, Sunday: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don't have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member
(Note...I DO have blogger friends (honest!)....but really felt like writing this today)

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