Sunday, March 25, 2012

Chocolate Cakes! (yes... 2 recipes)

For the last 2 weeks I've been debating with which chocolate cake to make and post here. The thing is, my boyfriend has been begging me to make the same cake I made for new years eve; and my friend Ana, my oldest friend, has asked me to post the recipe of a cake that my grandmother used to make when we were kids.

I was going to make the cake for Ana because it would be something different, since instead of flour it takes milled almond, and because I haven't tasted it for many years. But Emil used his power of veto and "demanded" the normal chocolate cake for this Saturday (I normally bake on Saturdays).

So, to make everyone happy, I leave you here the two recipes... they are both very good... enjoy!

Normal Chocolate Cake
for the cake:
4 eggs (separate yolks and whites)
180g sugar
180g butter
200g dark chocolate 
100g flour
a pinch of salt

to cover:

150g of dark chocolate (the reason it's not the whole 200g is that Emil normally stages a "coup" in the kitchen and eats some of the chocolate)
2 table spoons of butter
1/2 cup milk

You probably know the drill but here it goes:
Pre-heat the oven at 180.C.  Melt the chocolate with the butter. Beat well the egg yolks with the sugar. Add the chocolate mixture and beat until well mixed. In the meanwhile beat the whites until stiffened. Add the flour in small amounts at a time and beat the mixture very slowly and not for long, just enough. Add the whites and mixed it by hand, slowly with large movements, you want an fluffy and airy mixture. Add a pinch of cooking salt just to open the flavour of the chocolate. Goes to the oven 15-20 min, and it's supposed to stay moist in the middle. Melt the chocolate and the butter with the milk (low fire), for the cover, and mix well. cover the cake and wait until it gets cold to eat.

My Grandmother's chocolate and almond cake

200g milled almond (with skin)
200g sugar
200g dark chocolate
200g unsalted butter
6 eggs

Melt the chocolate with the butter. Add the almonds. Beat the yolks with the sugar. Add that to the 
chocolate mixture. Add the beaten whites and mix. (this part is more or less the same as with the other recipe). But then it goes to the oven in a water-bath (bain-marie) at 200-220.C for 1h30m.

E sim, também escrevi em português...

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