Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Lovely Links From November 2011... Add Yours and Look At Others!
Hi everyone, it's the end of another month!
Which of your posts this month did you enjoy writing the most?
Or, which one had your favourite pictures or story in it?
Link up below and share a pic and link so we can visit with you!
I've linked up a few of my favourite posts! The first one is my visit to the wonderful Craigs Royal Hotel in Ballarat (where I live) for a special 'High Tea' birthday celebration with friends. The second is one of my favourite pics of the last few months, and the third is part 6 of the quote journey around my home, which included a short but very insightful quote from Buddha.
Now, show us yours!!! Nudge nudge, wink wink!
Linda. xxx
Please note: Subscribers will need to click through to see the linky tool.
Ideas to Decorate a Christmas Tree
In years past, Christmas tree ornaments were collected or made over the years and displayed on trees during the holiday season. Many times ornaments would be handmade and used every year to be passed down from generation to generation. Today the trend is toward theme trees. A certain theme is developed and appears for a year or two on a tree when another theme will be chosen for several more years. There are thousands of themes from which to pick and all make charming Christmas trees.
Color Themes
The easiest Christmas tree theme to create is a color tree. This is where everything on the tree is one color. Red trees are strung with red lights, ribbons and beads. Red ornaments or fake apples can be used and poinsettia blooms and cardinal birds can be perched on the branches. A blue tree will have blue lights and ornaments with blue garland. White trees have clear lights with pearl garland. Ornaments are white or clear glass, white satin covered or clear acrylic snowflakes.
Country Theme
Create a country tree by using rustic looking decorations. Use a red and white checkered tablecloth for the tree skirt. String popcorn and cranberries for garland. Bundle cinnamon sticks and tie with red bows to hang on branches along with gingerbread people and cookie cutters made into ornaments by poking a hole in the top and inserting a tie on which to hang them.
Victorian Theme
Instead of tinsel garland use fabric eyelet or lace to wrap and dip around the branches of the tree. Lights should be clear in order to show off the old fashion glass ornaments with intricate detail. The Victorian era was a time when ephemera, or post cards and other paper ornamentation, was popular. Purchase reproductions of Victorian post cards and cut the figures out decorating them with feathers, beads and other bobbles to hang on the tree.
Vacation Theme
Decorate the tree to reflect a family vacation. Recreate a beach vacation by trimming the tree with sea shells and string blue lights. Use pearls from oysters in the sea as garland. The tree skirt can be made from several grass skirts.
Family Theme
Every person in the family should pick a favorite ornament and place it on a family tree. They should also make several ornaments and these will grow year after year. Place photos of family in tiny frames made with toothpicks or craft sticks to hang on the tree as well.
Unique Themes
Decorate a tree with just candy or place family collections of teddy bears, butterflies, dolls or tiny cars on the branches. Sports items make a good theme or anything else your family loves.
Monday, November 29, 2010
These Amazing Prints 'Had Me At Hello'.... Great For The Office Or Kids' Rooms!
Whilst browsing Two Ellie the other day, I came across her post about these sensational prints!
I swear, if I keep finding such amazing stuff on Etsy I'm going to have to give myself a good talking to because there's so many talented people out there whose work I want to buy! My home would be crammed to the brim if I caved in to every impulse, but boy do I think these prints from Berkley Illustration are a standout.
Humorous yet dignified.
Infused with personality.
Eye-catching and a conversation piece!
I can just imagine the lion, the cheetah, the elephant, and many of the others gracing the office wall of an executive or CEO! What a great way to inject some tongue in cheek humour into the otherwise terribly high octane and stressed out world of top office dwellers!
Let's get rid of the stuffiness office dwelling can create and inject some wonderful yet dignified mischief. :)
If I walked into my accountant's office and saw one of these on the wall I think I'd immediately feel comfortable and more at home rather than on edge and jittery about whether or not I've got my columns added up correctly!
They'd be great for kids' rooms as well. Such character in each drawing...... and kids adore animals with personality.
I myself have a soft spot for owls (as you know by now), racoons, foxes, deer, and too many other animals to mention.....
...... and I can just see a whole row of these (lets say 7) down a hallway all very simply, yet elegantly framed.
Wow, what an impression that would make! And, what a conversation starter!
Or, how about a group of them as a welcoming committee in the front entrance - all very seriously yet cheekily looking on as your visitors open the door and set foot inside!
You can see all these and more at Berkley Illustration's amazing Etsy shop.
Ask yourself: 'Do the pictures in my home add something to the atmosphere? Do they strike a chord with me and resonate in some way?'
Which leads to: 'Are they in the best position for myself and others to feel their effect?'
Because: Pictures shouldn't be bought only as an investment, because they're by someone famous, or they're trendy at the moment. They should bring something to the vibe and atmosphere of your home, an added touch that would otherwise be absent. Your home isn't a gallery, it's a place to celebrate the things that bring you joy!!
Linda. xox
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I swear, if I keep finding such amazing stuff on Etsy I'm going to have to give myself a good talking to because there's so many talented people out there whose work I want to buy! My home would be crammed to the brim if I caved in to every impulse, but boy do I think these prints from Berkley Illustration are a standout.
Humorous yet dignified.
Infused with personality.
Eye-catching and a conversation piece!
I can just imagine the lion, the cheetah, the elephant, and many of the others gracing the office wall of an executive or CEO! What a great way to inject some tongue in cheek humour into the otherwise terribly high octane and stressed out world of top office dwellers!
Let's get rid of the stuffiness office dwelling can create and inject some wonderful yet dignified mischief. :)
If I walked into my accountant's office and saw one of these on the wall I think I'd immediately feel comfortable and more at home rather than on edge and jittery about whether or not I've got my columns added up correctly!
They'd be great for kids' rooms as well. Such character in each drawing...... and kids adore animals with personality.
I myself have a soft spot for owls (as you know by now), racoons, foxes, deer, and too many other animals to mention.....
...... and I can just see a whole row of these (lets say 7) down a hallway all very simply, yet elegantly framed.
Wow, what an impression that would make! And, what a conversation starter!
Or, how about a group of them as a welcoming committee in the front entrance - all very seriously yet cheekily looking on as your visitors open the door and set foot inside!
You can see all these and more at Berkley Illustration's amazing Etsy shop.
Ask yourself: 'Do the pictures in my home add something to the atmosphere? Do they strike a chord with me and resonate in some way?'
Which leads to: 'Are they in the best position for myself and others to feel their effect?'
Because: Pictures shouldn't be bought only as an investment, because they're by someone famous, or they're trendy at the moment. They should bring something to the vibe and atmosphere of your home, an added touch that would otherwise be absent. Your home isn't a gallery, it's a place to celebrate the things that bring you joy!!
Linda. xox
♥ Let's talk on Twitter!
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♥ New to Heartfire At Home? Start here.
♥ And if, perchance, you BELIEVE.... join here.
Cheap & Homemade Christmas Gifts
Have a small spending budget for Christmas gifts this year because you lost your job, are a student or just because of the poor economy? Don't worry - here are some classy yet original gift ideas for mom, dad, whomever! Not only will you save a little cash, but your Christmas gifts will be personal and meaningful.
Gift idea 1: Burn CDs.
Give a Christmas gift that's personal and has meaning. If you know someone well enough to choose music they would like, you've got yourself a very good gift. Jazz it up by decorating the CD with Sharpie markers or printing a CD cover with the list of songs.
Gift idea 2: Make cookies or holiday bread.
This is an economic Christmas gift idea if you have lots of people to give to. Mini loaves of bread can be wrapped with ribbon, and food is a gift that everyone appreciates (unless it's fruitcake!).
*You can even turn this delicious gift into a Christmas tree decoration! Leave your decorated Gingerbread men out for a few days, cover in hairspray and hang on the Christmas tree!
Gift idea 3: Coupon books never go out of style.
Christmas coupon books should be reserved for those very close to you. You should be able to know exactly what that person would want - tangible and intangible wants. Some inexpensive gift ideas are: an hour of your devoted attention, a bubble bath, take out dinner after a stressful day of work and a free car wash.
To really brighten up your Christmas coupon book, use colored construction paper, stickers, photo cutouts of you and the gift recipient, etc.
Gift idea 4: Make a gift basket.
This is a great gift idea because not only can you tailor every item you put in the basket to the person you're giving it to, but you can also usually get individual items for less than what you'd pay for a professional gift basket.
If you have a gift basket theme in mind a few months out from Christmas, you can pick up items as you find them on sale. Good theme ideas: spa treatment, a house plant kit, cooking with vegetables and spices from your own garden, the book lover's basket and one for a pet.
If you'll be giving your gift before Christmas, consider making a Christmas-themed basket. Include Christmas cards and ornaments (that you got from the sale shelf, of course), maybe a burned CD of Christmas music. We all know that one person who absolutely LOVES Christmastime, and this gift is perfect for him or her.
Gift idea 5: Frame a poem or photo.
If you're artsy, this is a good gift for you to give. Frame one of your masterpiece photos or take a great one of you and your gift recipient together and frame it. See the link in the Resources Section for how to make a beautiful decoupage picture frame.
If you're a writer, print one of your poems in a classic font and frame it for a personalized home decoration.
Both of these gift ideas can be Christmas-themed as well, if you choose. Print a special Christmas quote on nice paper and frame it for a professional yet sentimental gift. Or, purchase miniature frames at the dollar store, decorate for Christmastime, put in some photos, glue on some ribbon and give to your gift recipient as tree ornaments.
Gift idea 6: Give a Christmas craft for the kitchen: cookie mix.
Write out your favorite recipe for holiday cookies and attach it to a jar including all the in dry ingredients (if you pour them in one at a time with a funnel, it looks beautiful). Wrap a ribbon around and gift as a delicious Christmas gift!
Tips to Arrange Living Room Furniture
If your present furniture arrangement seems stale, put some pizzazz into your living room.
1. With a tape measure, find the dimensions of the room. Draw the outline to scale on graph paper. A typical scale is 1/4 inch equals 1 foot.
2. Mark anything that would affect your arrangement: outlets for electricity, telephone and cable; light switches; windows; doors that open into the room; space between windows; and sill height.
3. Make scale paper cutouts of your living room furniture and shift them on the room drawing as needed until a likely arrangement emerges.
4. Select a focal point for your room and subtly orient other furnishings and some lighting toward it. If there's a fireplace, it will nearly always be the focal point; other focal points might be bookcases or built-in shelving to house lovely collectibles, or a sofa with a striking painting on the wall above it.
5. Arrange the furniture in such a way that pieces viewed as a unit don't show dramatic variance in height and mass as the eye sweeps the room. When a high-backed chair is next to a low table, boost the visual height of the table by hanging a piece of art above it.
6. Set up cozy conversation areas so that when you entertain, people can be seated and chat rather than having to stand. Examples would include two chairs separated by a low table, or two love seats facing each other.
7. Pull furniture away from the walls for more flexibility in creating conversation areas. For example, use a sofa to divide space in a room.
8. Position the sofa so it's at a nonperpendicular angle to any walls to create drama. Perhaps put an area rug and coffee table parallel to the sofa.
9. Allow a minimum of 18 inches (24 is better) for traffic lanes through the room. Lanes will probably meander if you have two or three conversation areas in the room.
10. Freshen the room occasionally by shifting the furniture and accessories for a new look. Switch tabletop bric-a-brac around, add fresh flowers, change potpourri, move pictures.
Tips to Refinish Furniture
Things You Needed:
- Gel or Thick Furniture Stripper
- Steel Wool
- Sand Paper (120 and 220 grit)
- Finish Sander
- Scraper or Putty Knife
- Rags
- Tack Cloth
- Sanding Sealer
- Stain
- Polyurethane
- Paint Brushes
- Bucket with Warm Water
- Rubber Gloves
- Eye Protection
Bringing an old piece of wood furniture back to life is one of the most rewarding projects you can do around the house. It also saves you money. You may be surprised what you find hiding under paint or varnish on a piece of furniture. It could be beautiful wood that you can stain and seal, or you may want to leave it natural by simply sealing it. Once you have the vision for your project, gather your materials and put on your gloves. You will soon have a beautiful piece that looks like new.
1. Decide if it is a good piece to refinish. Make sure the piece of furniture you want to work on is structurally sound and doesn't have too many coats of paint on it. If you believe the piece to be an antique, do not refinish it yourself. Take it to a professional that works on antiques because sometimes refinishing these pieces will devalue them. Good older wood that is not in too bad of shape is what you want.
2. Strip off the old finish. Use a gel or thick stripper because it's easier to handle, especially if you are a beginner. Get the kind that says it cleans up with water, or no clean up. Make sure your work area is well ventilated and you cover the floor under and around your project. Apply with a brush and work in the direction of the grain. Do it in sections if it is a large piece.
3. Sand your wood. Sand off any areas that didn't strip completely off with 120 grit sandpaper. Then sand the entire piece with 220 grit sandpaper. Make sure you sand with the grain of the wood. Finish off with a finishing sander, staying with the grain until you get a nice smooth surface. Go over it with tack cloth to remove any leftover dust from the sanding. Make sure you get it all or it can ruin your new finish.
4. Apply sanding sealer. If you are leaving the wood natural, you will want to right to Step 6. If you are going to stain, you should first apply a coat of sanding sealer. Apply a coat, let it soak in for a few minutes and then take one of your rags. Wipe it off. This will keep your stain more even as it soaks into the wood. Sand with your 120 grit paper and clean off the dust.
5. Stain your project. There are a few types of stain, but the easiest to use and to clean up is a water-based stain. Most are applied with a natural end paint brush and wiped off with a soft clean rag. Leaving the stain sit a little longer or doing more coats will make you color darker. Try it on an underside to see the shade you like. Follow the manufacturers time on drying before applying the polyurethane.
6. Coat with Polyurethane. Apply the polyurethane with a brush. Stay with the grain and do longer strokes. Once it is covered, let it dry and sand with the 220 grit paper. Clean off the dust well and apply again. You can do as many coats as you want to get your desired finish. It's much better to do a few thin coats than one thick one. You'll have a much smoother, clearer finish.
Ergonomic Concepts Keyboard Tray 810-REF

The Boomerang keyboard tray provides keyboard and mouse support within typical radius of 18" or more or angled corner configurations of 17" or more. The radial movement of the pull-out mouse tray helps support mousing within a restricted space. The REF mechanism adjusts in height by simply lifting up on the platform. The tilt angle can be set by tightening the palm handle.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Simple Displays Can Be Showcased Anywhere!
What a difference and a lift the colourful books on display make to this kitchen.
I use my books in a similar fashion. Wherever I deem a little dash of colour is required, it's easy to pick out a few books in the colours I want, and pop them in a stack, or standing up, to give that injection of colour I'm after.
I've been known to buy a book based almost entirely on how its front cover looks because it's perfect for a colour scheme I have in mind.
Little mini masterpieces books.... you can move them from room to room, you can stack and re-arrange them, they come in heaps of different colours and designs, and you don't have to hang them on a wall to display them.
I think only one other thing comes close to their versatility, and with minimum maintenance attached. Can you guess what I'm thinking of?
Flowers are pretty great for an instant lift too.
Linda. xox
P.S: The display of rolling pins is absolutely lovely as well. Don't you think? Simple, eye-catching, and a real conversation piece.
P.P.S: Keep your eyes peeled for November's Lovely Links post. I'll put it up within the next few days so you can link up lots of your favourite posts from November.
I use my books in a similar fashion. Wherever I deem a little dash of colour is required, it's easy to pick out a few books in the colours I want, and pop them in a stack, or standing up, to give that injection of colour I'm after.
I've been known to buy a book based almost entirely on how its front cover looks because it's perfect for a colour scheme I have in mind.
Little mini masterpieces books.... you can move them from room to room, you can stack and re-arrange them, they come in heaps of different colours and designs, and you don't have to hang them on a wall to display them.
I think only one other thing comes close to their versatility, and with minimum maintenance attached. Can you guess what I'm thinking of?
Flowers are pretty great for an instant lift too.
Linda. xox
P.S: The display of rolling pins is absolutely lovely as well. Don't you think? Simple, eye-catching, and a real conversation piece.
P.P.S: Keep your eyes peeled for November's Lovely Links post. I'll put it up within the next few days so you can link up lots of your favourite posts from November.
Monday Music - Video Killed The Radio Star!
This is where it all began (personally one of my fave articles ever!!).
Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)
Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.
So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!
This is one of my most favourite songs from the 70's... I vividly remember it playing on our car radio when Dad, Mum, and I were in the middle of 10 hour drive to my brother's home in another state for a few days visit. We were driving on a winding road, through a state forest, and the light was lovely and dappled as it filtered through the trees. I was laying down in the back seat and singing softly along as I looked out the window over the tops of the trees and up at the sky.
I would have been around 15 (30 years ago), and it's remained one of my all time faves ever since. If I hear it on the radio I always sing and bop along!
And don't forget, if you're looking for more great music, Bec over at Memory Garden often has a lovely song to listen to on Mondays as well!
And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...
Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'
Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'
The Original Musical Must Have:
Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)
Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.
So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!
This is one of my most favourite songs from the 70's... I vividly remember it playing on our car radio when Dad, Mum, and I were in the middle of 10 hour drive to my brother's home in another state for a few days visit. We were driving on a winding road, through a state forest, and the light was lovely and dappled as it filtered through the trees. I was laying down in the back seat and singing softly along as I looked out the window over the tops of the trees and up at the sky.
I would have been around 15 (30 years ago), and it's remained one of my all time faves ever since. If I hear it on the radio I always sing and bop along!
And don't forget, if you're looking for more great music, Bec over at Memory Garden often has a lovely song to listen to on Mondays as well!
And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...
Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'
Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'
Because: Good interior design caters to ALL our senses, not just our eyes.... that's why I call it 'Atmospheric Design' instead!
Linda. xox
The Original Musical Must Have:
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tips to Clean Upholstered Furniture
Keeping upholstered furniture clean will increase the life of the fabrics. Here's how to wash upholstery, whether it's a couch, sofa, loveseat or favorite chair.
1 Remove all loose cushions.
2. Loosen dirt with a handheld dusting brush while using a vacuum brush attachment to remove the dust.
3. Vacuum all surfaces of the furniture: back, sides, arms, skirt and the platform beneath the cushions.
4. Vacuum both sides of the loose cushions.
5. Replace cushions.
6. Add 1/4 c. laundry detergent or liquid dish detergent to 1 c. warm water. Blend with an electric mixer; whip the mixture until the suds look like whipped cream (it will be dry and form peaks).
7. Test for fading by dipping a cloth in the suds and rubbing a small place on the back of furniture. Let dry. If fading, shrinkage or discoloration occurs, have the job done professionally; if not, proceed to the next step.
8. Pick an area on the furniture, dip cloth and rub suds on.
9. Dirt will begin to appear in suds as they work. Use a scraper to scrape suds away.
10. Rinse area with a damp cloth.
11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 on other areas of furniture, allowing for overlap of areas during cleaning.
12. Allow to dry overnight, preferably with an electric fan blowing on furniture.
2. Loosen dirt with a handheld dusting brush while using a vacuum brush attachment to remove the dust.
3. Vacuum all surfaces of the furniture: back, sides, arms, skirt and the platform beneath the cushions.
4. Vacuum both sides of the loose cushions.
5. Replace cushions.
6. Add 1/4 c. laundry detergent or liquid dish detergent to 1 c. warm water. Blend with an electric mixer; whip the mixture until the suds look like whipped cream (it will be dry and form peaks).
7. Test for fading by dipping a cloth in the suds and rubbing a small place on the back of furniture. Let dry. If fading, shrinkage or discoloration occurs, have the job done professionally; if not, proceed to the next step.
8. Pick an area on the furniture, dip cloth and rub suds on.
9. Dirt will begin to appear in suds as they work. Use a scraper to scrape suds away.
10. Rinse area with a damp cloth.
11. Repeat steps 8 through 10 on other areas of furniture, allowing for overlap of areas during cleaning.
12. Allow to dry overnight, preferably with an electric fan blowing on furniture.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
A Weekend Wish For You...
Wherever you are...
Whatever the weather...
I hope your weekend is bright, cheerful, and FUN!
Linda. xox
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
An Oasis Of Mellow Light, Warm Water, and Soothing Atmosphere...
The atmosphere in this photo is almost mesmerizing.
I'd love to spend an hour or so submerging myself in that water and drifting away into dreamy oblivion.
This oasis of peace was found over at Shari's delightful blog Little Blue Deer!
You'll find more 'lantern lit' rooms in her beautiful post here.
Linda. xox
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I'd love to spend an hour or so submerging myself in that water and drifting away into dreamy oblivion.
This oasis of peace was found over at Shari's delightful blog Little Blue Deer!
You'll find more 'lantern lit' rooms in her beautiful post here.
Linda. xox
♥ Let's talk on Twitter!
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♥ New to Heartfire At Home? Start here.
♥ And if, perchance, you BELIEVE.... join here.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
An Entranceway With A Lot To Like...
There's a lot to like about this welcoming entrance way...
The gorgeous door with its glass panel surround, the star detail in the top corners, the lantern, the massive clock made from wood, the different textures of stone, the reclining lion guarding the front door, the warm colours inviting you inside.
I'd feel happy walking through that door every night.
Linda. xox
The gorgeous door with its glass panel surround, the star detail in the top corners, the lantern, the massive clock made from wood, the different textures of stone, the reclining lion guarding the front door, the warm colours inviting you inside.
I'd feel happy walking through that door every night.
Linda. xox
A Retro Look Stove In My Favourite Colour - RED!
Just found the company Big Chill on my travels.
Not only do they create the most gorgeous fridges in all sorts of stunningly bright and dreamy colours, they also make stoves and other kitchen items.
You know how much I LOVE red.... so this has to be my dream stove!
The retro look and the curvaceous and smooth design, combined with the added attraction of colour, makes this one of my favourite discoveries.
And, you can get range hoods to match!
Linda. xox
Not only do they create the most gorgeous fridges in all sorts of stunningly bright and dreamy colours, they also make stoves and other kitchen items.
You know how much I LOVE red.... so this has to be my dream stove!
The retro look and the curvaceous and smooth design, combined with the added attraction of colour, makes this one of my favourite discoveries.
And, you can get range hoods to match!
Linda. xox
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Monday Music - Follow You Follow Me...
This is where it all began (personally one of my fave articles ever!!).
Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)
Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.
So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!
Last week we listened to the amazing Peter Gabriel, who was/is a member of Genesis. Today we have what is probably my favourite Genesis song of all time. I think it would be a beautiful song to play at a wedding.
And, if you're looking for more great music, Bec over at Memory Garden often has a lovely song to listen to on Mondays as well!
And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...
Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'
Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'
The Original Musical Must Have:
♥ Let's talk on Twitter!
♥ Straight from me to YOU - subscribe!
♥ New to Heartfire At Home? Start here.
♥ And if, perchance, you BELIEVE.... join here.
Music is SO important to the happiness of my home. :)
Now most Monday mornings when the working week looms I'll try to post a fave song or some music I'm listening to at the moment to provide some musical motivation.
So my little groovers......... here's today's installment!
Last week we listened to the amazing Peter Gabriel, who was/is a member of Genesis. Today we have what is probably my favourite Genesis song of all time. I think it would be a beautiful song to play at a wedding.
And, if you're looking for more great music, Bec over at Memory Garden often has a lovely song to listen to on Mondays as well!
And, as always when thinking of our 'Musical Must Haves' section...
Ask yourself: 'Do I L.O.V.E music?'
Which leads to: 'Have I got enough of it in my home and in my life?'
Because: Good interior design caters to ALL our senses, not just our eyes.... that's why I call it 'Atmospheric Design' instead!
Linda. xox
The Original Musical Must Have:
♥ Let's talk on Twitter!
♥ Straight from me to YOU - subscribe!
♥ New to Heartfire At Home? Start here.
♥ And if, perchance, you BELIEVE.... join here.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Pssssst..... The Sheep Are Back!
Oh look, the sheep are back, and looking friendly and plump!
These ones are distant cousins of our other sheep friends.
And, they obviously have good taste... they live in a room filled with books!
Linda. xox
More: Visit a very unusual house with more sheep in its living room!
These ones are distant cousins of our other sheep friends.
And, they obviously have good taste... they live in a room filled with books!
Linda. xox
More: Visit a very unusual house with more sheep in its living room!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Any Moon Lovers Out There? This One's For You...
I have a friend who just loves looking at the moon, especially when it's 'full'. And, I know there's lots of moon worshippers out there.
A different friend sent these photos to me vai email, so I have no site to link the images to... but wanted to share them as I think the photography ideas are so simple yet stunning.
Some beautiful photos like these would be wonderful to have in your home if you've 'gotta thing' for the moon, don't you think?
And to finish, here's one of my favourite Irish Blessings....
'May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all the way to your door'.
Happy weekend everyone!!
Linda. xox
A different friend sent these photos to me vai email, so I have no site to link the images to... but wanted to share them as I think the photography ideas are so simple yet stunning.
Some beautiful photos like these would be wonderful to have in your home if you've 'gotta thing' for the moon, don't you think?
'May you have warm words on a cold evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all the way to your door'.
Happy weekend everyone!!
Linda. xox
Modern Lighting Fixtures
Hiding white cover light fittings and easily adjusted to create the desired amount of illumination. NLC draw as much inspiration from the head of Medusa as the fine branches of the trees are trellised. Lights can also work with standard energy efficient light bulbs, although only with you will be able to control LED brightness. special appeal lies in the conflict appears between the chaotic and organic. NLC is a hanging lamp, designed by Constantin Wortmann for Next. It features six 2.2W LED bulb and looks like a futuristic version of the horn chandelier.
Studio Designs 10057 Futura Tower

Talk about a functional drafting table! The Futura 10057 drafting table features a large, adjustable worksurface, four removable art trays for pens, pencils brushes and supplies along with an attractive tempered blue glass top. It's hard to imagine a table with this many features for under $300 delivered! When I saw the 10057 Futura table I thought, what an excellent gift for an art student or aspiring architect. Then I went ahead and bought one for myself!
Features Overview:
* Main Work Surface 21” x 33”
* 6 Top Angle Adjustments from Flat to 40 Degrees
* Four Removable Art Trays for Pens, Pencils, Brushes & Supplies
* Extra Large 10” x 24” Pencil & Supply Drawer
* Two Cup Holders for Water Bottles, Drinks or Supplies
* 24" Slide Up Pencil Ledge
* 9" x 24" Tower Shelves for Storage
* Tempered Blue Safety Glass Top and Shelf
* Combo Magnetic and Cork Board with 4 Magnets
* Heavy Gauge Steel Construction for Durability
* 4 Floor Levelers for Stability
* Beautiful Powder Coated Steel Finish (Silver)
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
A Quote Journey Around My Home - Part 6 - Dream Big!
This is Part 6 of the 'quote journey' around my home! I'm a bit behind, and was planning to do my living area next..... but today it's a little quote and phrase in my hallway instead. We'll get back to the living area soon!
Right at the end of my hallway, you can see there's a little something over on the right-hand side, just after that doorway on the right.
This is what it looks like close up!
That's what I see every time I walk out of my bedroom, whose doorway is at the far end on the left in that top picture (you can't really see it).
It reminds me that much of what I achieve depends on the thoughts I think, and the things I dream of and then plan for.
A little motivator to get each day off to a good start!
My trusty scrapbooking letters and another great greeting card are the source for this little display. It doesn't take anything expensive to create something inspirational.
It's been a 'short and sweet' stop on the 'quote journey' today! Next time I'll travel back up the hallway to the living room.
Linda. xox
You can view the previous parts of my 'quote journey' below:
Part 1 - The 'Soul Gardener' Quote
Part 2 - A Door Full Of Inspiration
Part 3 - A Meaningful Fridge!
Part 4 - Cards And A Scroll
Part 5 - Favourite Verse
Right at the end of my hallway, you can see there's a little something over on the right-hand side, just after that doorway on the right.
This is what it looks like close up!
That's what I see every time I walk out of my bedroom, whose doorway is at the far end on the left in that top picture (you can't really see it).
It reminds me that much of what I achieve depends on the thoughts I think, and the things I dream of and then plan for.
A little motivator to get each day off to a good start!
My trusty scrapbooking letters and another great greeting card are the source for this little display. It doesn't take anything expensive to create something inspirational.
It's been a 'short and sweet' stop on the 'quote journey' today! Next time I'll travel back up the hallway to the living room.
Linda. xox
You can view the previous parts of my 'quote journey' below:
Part 1 - The 'Soul Gardener' Quote
Part 2 - A Door Full Of Inspiration
Part 3 - A Meaningful Fridge!
Part 4 - Cards And A Scroll
Part 5 - Favourite Verse
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