Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sponsored Post : Best Trends in Contact Lenses

There are several different trends in contact lenses which are taking place simultaneously. These trends have led to the introduction of stronger, better functioning, more comfortable, stylish yet inexpensive contacts. One trend deals with the length of time one wears and keeps contact lenses. Another trend explores coloured contact lenses and has inspired a myriad of designs, colours and shapes. A third trend focuses on creating lenses designed to solve people's pressing vision problems.

Contact lenses have changed dramatically in the past 30 years. Initially there were only hard contact lenses. Those contacts were uncomfortable, almost impossible to wear for long periods, expensive and you were forced to keep the same pair for years. Modern trends have brought a tremendous amount of innovation and improvement in the comfort, versatility, price and the length of time people keep their contacts.

Today there are disposable contacts, extended wear contacts and lenses specially designed to correct almost any vision problem. For people involved in sports or living an active lifestyle there are soft comfortable lenses which conform to the shape of each person's eyes. These are single use lenses which allow you to wear a new pair every day. Extended wear contacts are also very popular. These contacts can be worn for a number of days straight, even while asleep. Coloured contacts are another popular trend. If fact, colour contacts are some of the fastest selling contacts on the market. They allow people to express their personality and unique sense of style while still providing them with corrective lenses.

Coloured contacts are often worn by people who have no vision issues at all. They just love having the ability to change their eye colour anytime they wish. Coloured contacts can enhance your eye colour or give you the eyes of an entirely different species. For many people they represent fun and freedom. Not only are they available in a rainbow of colours, you can also buy them with interesting shapes, animal prints, alien species, cats, bats and any other animal you can imagine.

Addressing vision issues and comfort is the focus of another trend in contact lenses. A big problem for contact lens wearers is the irritation contacts commonly cause. Several manufacturers have begun to address this with great success. They have created the 'next generation' of contact lenses. These contacts allow more oxygen to pass through. This makes them more comfortable and safer to wear. There are also contacts which have two prescriptions allowing one lens to solve two problems. One lens can help people see to read and improve their ability to see things a long distance away. Other lenses correct astigmatism. There are even contact lenses designed to be safely worn by children.

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