Established in 1939 as the Engineering Supply Company, Mayline Office Furniture has come a long way from its expertise in DRAFTING TABLES, BLUEPRINT FILES and STRAIGHTEDGES. The war years capitalized on our high quality and precision manufacturing for providing highly accurate navigational and mapping accessories for all branches of the military. Though still a market leader in manual drawing (they invented the straightedge) and large format filing, Mayline has moved to the forefront of office ergonomics. They offer the market's largest and most diverse selection of MANUAL-ASSIST, COUNTERBALANCE and ELECTRIC SIT-TO-STAND WORKSTATIONS found anywhere.
In 1924, Tiffany Industries invented the typewriter stand, which is still sold today. With time comes changes in technology, and now they integrate people, tasks, and equipment to maximize productivity in their work environments. The first mid-market, modular workstation of its kind was introduced by Tiffany Industries in 1979 and helped people evolve along with their work environments. They are keenly attuned to product quality as well, and Tiffany Industries has had the longest running "Lifetime Guarantee" in the industry – since 1926 ! Today, there furniture solutions now include MODULAR WORKSTATIONS, TRAINING AND MEETING ROOM TABLES, as well as MOBILE PERSONAL COMPUTER STATIONS for small and home offices.
Founded in 1965, Kwik-File had humble beginnings with an owner who was primarily a regional dealer of office products, but with a unique idea for steel office organizers for desktop and flipper-door hutches. After manufacturing these products regionally for awhile, word spread quickly and it wasn't long before dealers in other parts of the country were demanding access to the unique features and space-saving benefits they provided. For the next twenty years, Kwik-File's product lines and market presence expanded dramatically, owing their success to being able to organize "paper flow" in the office more efficiently. Expertise in forms and literature storage led to mail sorting cabinets and eventually Kwik-File secured the dominant position in the marketplace for mailroom furniture. Today, MAILFLOW SYSTEMS, FORMS AND LITERATURE STORAGE, space-saving END-TABLE FILING CABINETS, and STACKABLE SHELVING, are just a few of the many products available from Kwik-File designed to improve information processing, storage and retrieval.
The newest and fastest growing division, Mayline Network Products, has spent the last five years providing security and organization to all types of networking and telephony environments. The strategy has always been to avoid the "one-size-fits-all" approach, which rarely helps customers achieve the proper solutions to their needs. Instead, Mayline Network Products always provides its clients with a "good-better-best" approach in order to meet the requirements and budgets established for any project. They offer a complete line of OPEN PLAN RACKING SYSTEMS and DATA CABINETS in a variety of aesthetics, configurations and in every price range. If they don't have what you need, they will try to build it, since customized electronic enclosures are a major part of what we do best. When the need is for RACKING SYSTEMS or ENCLOSURES for nearly every type of application in telecommunications, factory or office automation, networking or even Internet co-location, Mayline Network Products is the strategic partner for all mission critical applications.
Founded in 1914 as the Acme Card System Company, Mayline was the original manufacturer of visible record keeping equipment and accessories. To support the war effort during World War II, there was a brief change in product focus from visible record keeping products to ammunition boxes and radar parts, but then it was back to business. For over 60 years Mayline was the leader in record keeping supplies and in 1977, changed there name to Acme Visible Records, Inc. and entered the filing and storage cabinet market. Today Kwik-File Storage Systems offers the broadest range of the most economical and space-efficient HIGH-DENSITY FILING SOLUTIONS found anywhere. From the simplest of four-post shelving to ROTARY FILES, and both manual and electric MOBILE TRACK SYSTEMS, active and archival document storage is Mayline's expertise.
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