Thursday, September 23, 2010

A 'Quote Journey' Around My Home... and Two Lovely Blog Friends!

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know I'm a huge fan of inspirational quotes, affirmations, and any 'words of wisdom'. I have many books filled with quotes from varying categories (motivational, inspirational, love, work, success, finding peace, harmony, friends, family etc), and I refer to them often.

I also have them plastered around my home on my walls, inside cupboard doors, on room doors, down the sides of my bookcases.... anywhere they'll stay put with a piece of blu tac!

As much as I try to feed my body nourishment through delicious yet healthy food, I try to feed my mind and soul through enlightening and encouraging words of wisdom.

I particularly look towards people I admire for little gems of inspiration.... if a person I admire has given sage advice in a few succinct words or phrases.... I think it's prudent for me to take note. And, if they've come up with some witty and zany remark to make me laugh out loud... that deserves display too!

So, I've decided to take you on a step by step journey of the quotes, wise words, and plain old 'fun' words around my home.

Each week (until I run out), I'll post a pic of one of my quotes (or a few if they're in a group together), and tell you a bit about what it means to me, and where in my home it actually is (yes, I have quotes in my loo!).

Here's my first quote (very dull and dreary outside today.... so pics are a bit darker than I'd like, even with photo editing!).

I found this quote around 3 years ago when I was searching for a card for a close friend.... and immediately loved it. It encapsulated the way I felt about that friend... and made me go all gooey inside! So, I bought 2 of the same card, and gave one to my friend, and kept the other to put on my wall.

I often end up doing this when shopping for cards. I have a box full of cards with beautiful words on them that I keep to rotate in and out of display if I feel like it!

My love for butterflies (you can see my fave butterfly plate in the pic below!) fitted in beautifully as I always have some spare ones hanging around in my little 'decorations box', so they went up around it.

This quote is on the wall in my teeny dining area...... when friends or family visit for a cuppa or a chat around the table, they're the living embodiment of how the quote makes me feel.

Speaking of friends... I'd like to mention 2 lovely ladies who've become very good 'bloggy' friends. They were the first 2 bloggers to start commenting consistently on my blog, and I can't convey in words just how much I appreciated their kind and thoughtful comments.

I often gain extra insight into my own thoughts due to their interesting tidbits of information and personal thoughts on a subject. They've made this whole blogging experience more joyful and enchanting.

Bobbi is a spunky, fabulous, deep feeling, cottage loving, cat adoring, vegetarian, lover of colour, who blogs over at The Lazy Designer. I LOVE Bobbi's wit and sense of humour, and I always look forward to hearing what she's up to. She's in the process of setting up a shop in 'the real world', and she's giving us sneak peeks as it progresses. Plus, Bobbi's in Italy...... sigh...... and she takes glorious photos of her day trips and surroundings.

Nerine is super-seriously-talented at painting, embroidering, and all sorts of crafty things. You can visit her blog here! I love her quirky, whimsical, and charming hand painted pictures of robins and little girls. I love her honesty, authenticity, and willingness to show her projects at various stages of completion. Her blog heading says 'Nerine's Skirts and Other Stuff', and I have to say, her sewing skills are magnificent on more than just skirts.

Thank you ladies for making my world a nicer place and being some of the gardeners helping my soul to blossom! xoxox

Linda. :)


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