Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"What's Right With the World?"

The January theme for the monthly blog group that I write is :

"What's Right - or Wrong - With The World"

Being the eternal optimist that I am, I have chosen to focus on what is right with the world.

Terrible things happen every day and the newspapers are full of heartbreaking stories.
We read about bad people doing awful things.
We fear for our children growing up in such a world.
Events happen that make no sense whatsoever....bad things happen to good people.

But the majority of us remain hopeful and positive.
We try to move on, we teach our children right from wrong.
We practise kindness to others, we share, we listen, we empathise.

Ordinary people do extraordinary things, miracles happen, the world is full of unsung heroes.

Barb is the mother of my good friend Kim.

Around two years ago, Barb went to Uganda and met a local boy called Edwin on her trip.
Edwin wanted to build an home for children in his town of Jinja.

Barb went home to Canada & began baking banana bread which she sold locally.
Word eventually began to spread and the TV station & local press got hold of the story.

Donations increased, local people helped out with fundraising and bread-making and Barb travelled to Uganda several more times.

I have written about Barb before, most recently last Christmas when I started a "one pound or one dollar" campaign to raise £800 to buy a much-needed generator for the home.
Thanks to overwhelming support by my blog-readers, 

Barb is a 65 year old grandma & Edwin is a 23 year old boy.

The Home of Angels will open this year & plans are now being discussed to build another home.
It is an extraordinary project achieved by two people just like you and me.
They did it.....through sheer hard work and inspiring those around them.

Barb simply saw what needed to be done and, more importantly, she went and did it.
For a long time, the project was just her - getting up at 5am and baking banana bread day after day.
She had no website or connections, she was simply motivated by Edwin and his dream.  

To me, Barb is everything that is right about the world....
she had a dream....she was determined....she worked hard....the dream became a reality.
She put one foot in front of the other and moved in the right direction.

I can't think of anything more inspiring.  
she is absolutely an extraordinary person doing extraordinary and life-changing work.

The progress during this last year at the home has been astonishing, for more see here .


To see more stories from the blog group today, click here

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