Tuesday, January 22, 2013

House & Home : A Little Organisation

The weather might still be cold & dark but there's something about the start of a new year that always makes me want to declutter & re-organise.
Perhaps it's just a natural response to the Christmas season.

I like to have items on display but can appreciate that open shelving isn't for everyone - nor is it practical.
I like my favourite items where I can see them & enjoy them whereas my husband likes everything put away & out of sight.

I bought a large Le Creuset casserole a few weeks ago....yes, it's for cooking but to me it's also a thing of beauty. I leave it on the stove-top where I can admire it, he puts it back in the cupboard.
I move it....then he moves it back! 
We do find a middle ground of course, it's not like it has to be on show....
although on the other hand, it's no fun if everything is stuck in a cupboard.

There is however something about organised cupboards & labelled jars in uniform sizes that is just so pleasing to the eye. 
Who hasn't been to Ikea & looked longingly at the huge choice of containers & pondered buying the whole lot?!

I think it's the sense of order that it conveys.

I LOVE this....it would drive my husband crazy! 

just look at these drawers....this is perfect for me!

a pull-out pantry

I love baskets actually & use them wherever I can.

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