There is a house on Madeira island that I absolutely love. I've been spending a weekend there almost every year since before I remember existing (I have photos to prove it!). This house is on the north coast and in the mountains, so it is the perfect place to escape from the absurd heat and humidity in the city. It may sound strange, but one CAN get tired of sun and warmth.
There is no electricity there, which means: no TV, no computer, no radio, no charging phones (or cameras), no fridge, no electric light! And that is what I love most about it...for 3 days we gather the family there and have a wonderful time just playing board or card games, going for walks in the woods, talking and laughing... and the days feel sooo long... it's just a piece of paradise.
I don't have many photos, and in all honesty the one's I have aren't that good, but maybe you can get a "taste" of the atmosphere there.

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