Whether you use a computer at home or work, one thing we can all agree on is that we would love to have a little more versatility when it comes to the screen. Another, is that we would love to have some additional desk space. No matter how much room you have, more is always better! That being said, in the post we will cover a few simple benefits of adding an ergonomic monitor arm to your desk or workspace.
First and foremost, an ergonomic monitor arm is a versatile work tool. People who don't have one, usually don't think to add one. However, for those (like myself) that have purchased one, can't live without it. At first I asked myself what were the benefits. Once I installed it, I quickly realized that my life had changed! The benefits of these arms go far beyond what's in the post, but I would like to share a few.
The first benefit is the versatility. Ergonomic Monitor arms can clamp mount or grommet mount anywhere on any worksurface. These units install in around 10 minutes and are really a breeze. Monitor arms like the one shown allow you to move your screen closer or further away from the front of your desk. This is a real plus for near or far-sighted people who hate moving there whole computer back and forth to work. Secondly, the screen and arm can be moved in virtually any direction. If you work in an office where you show customers or patients your computer screen this is a huge benefit. The arm allows your screen to be literally turned straight at your desk as well. This is a great feature for graphic designers or artists of any kind. Lastly the cost of a quality monitor arm from companies like ESI, systematix, or Symmetry is extremely low. A single monitor arm will cost around $150.00 and will last a life time. Two screen, three screen, and all the way up to 8 screen monitor arms are available. From gamers to businessmen, this ergonomic tool is worth its weight.
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