Nest of tables in the style of three people playing twister!
Flamingo side table
After a time spent boat building in Falmouth I went to Exeter to study furniture design. It was a great experience and I have many happy memories of my time there (and not all pub based I promise!) During the course we got to explore different media such as ceramics and glass but I decided to concentrate on making wooden furniture. We were enchoraged to approach design with fresh ideas and I use this approach when working with clients today. I thought you might be interested in some of the work I produced for my degree show. I followed a theme of using human or animal forms as a basis for making furniture.. they love that sort of stuff at uni!
I left university with a 2:1. This would have been a 1st if there hadn't been a table tennis table in the student union bar! If you click here you can see a really bad picture of me and my furniture on the University website.
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