Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nope - Not For Me......Real Looking Animals On The Wall...

I hinted quite a while ago in this post about 'how NOT to decorate' about my distaste for certain types of animal paraphenalia on the wall...... and, yep...... my feelings haven't changed, even though the trend seems to be as strong as ever.

I just don't like 'real' looking deer heads staring at me from the wall.

I have however, warmed a bit to the trend for dear heads and antlers etc. that don't look like an animal that used to be alive, and is now trying to look alive again.

The artistic representations in these pics below for example, do have some appeal to me.

In other words, if it looks stuffed or preserved, I'm afraid I don't want it on my wall. Smacks too much of hunting and those displays of gamesmanship for me... and I've never been able to stomach those.

Perhaps if I came from a different culture where it was more accepted, but I do not. I just can't abide the thought of animals being killed for sport, or even if they're vermin, so anything hanging up there on the wall that even faintly reminds me of that is going to disturb the vibe in my room and corrupt it for me.

Where I like them - in the wild. Image source.

One of these on my wall? NO, NO, NO, NO. Image source.

And, anything with glass eyes, or eyes that sort of look real, kinda reminds me of a creepy movie in an old haunted house where the characters inevitably feel the eyes in the family portraits are following them around the room!

Which, when you think about it, isn't the sort of atmosphere you want to create in a happy home!

I've also warmed a bit more to the trend for real or imitation skulls, bones, antlers and such..... they kind of resonate an earthy, natural vibe that encourages curiosity and an affinity with nature (for me). As long as an animal wasn't killed to get those antlers...... I'm much happier.

Perhaps because I was brought up in the country and saw many animal skeletons laying around in various circumstances, this sort of 'death' doesn't affect me as badly as the 'hunting' sort of death does. And, those animals died of natural causes (as far as I knew).

I liken this sort of display (bones, skulls etc.) to those with old bits of coral, sea shells, pinecones, driftwood.... anything nature has served up as a fossil or natural curiosity to be pondered and studied.

What do you think about animal heads, antlers, and things like that on the wall or on display?

Let's have a poll and find out shall we.  I'd love to know what you think!

Linda. xox


More - Here's another 'Nope - Not For Me' post about old mirrors!


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