Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Quote Journey Around My Home - Part 2. A Door Full Of Inspiration!

This is the second step on my 'quote journey around  my home!' (You can read more info about the 'journey' in this post).

These inspirational words aren't exactly quotes, but they are phrases of inspiration that I refer to regularly.

They're on the door I walk in and out of multiple times a day, (it's the door to my garage from my little dining area), so every now and then I make sure I take the time to re-affirm 1 or 2 of the phrases on the cards.

The cards come from a box of cards by author Wayne Dyer called 'Inspiration - Your Ultimate Calling'. I have lots of these diplayed around my home, but I sorted through the deck and picked some of the ones that really resonated with me (and blended in colour wise - lol!!). Others that I like can get 'rotated' into my displays at some stage.

If you look closely at them further down in this post, you'll also see they have butterflies on them..... a really meaningful trigger for me... and something that connects me with them in a deeper way.

They also have a lovely passage of text on the back to go with the words on the front. This is why my cards are only loosely stuck to the door with blu tac.... if I feel the need to turn them over and re-read the back of them.... I can! Then I pop them straight back on the door. The one below is not up anywhere at the moment, but I love it..... so it may get 'rotated in' later on.

If you saw the quote from last week's post, you'll notice that these cards are right next to it! You can see the 'soul gardener' quote over there amidst the butterflies on the wall.

The door is going to get painted out at some stage, which will make the room look bigger! But, I'm waiting until I repaint the whole living area in a warmer colour, and I'll do it then. When I moved in 2 years ago, the unit had just been freshly painted, so I've been putting off the whole 'painting thing' for a while..... but I have to get to it because I really do 'need' a slightly warmer colour on the walls (rather than the grey which I find chilly!).

The bookcases are all on the list to be painted too - lol - that's been 'going to happen' for years!

You can see my living room through here.... and if you look, you can see more of these cards down the side of the bookcase. There's another bookcase on the other side of the couch with cards down its side too! They're close by if I'm sitting on the couch and need a bit of inspiration!

Here are the cards on the door in close up so you can see what they say......

Each one is very important to me... and something I try to weave within my life. (Although, I have yet to master the art of meditation... my mind never shuts up!).

The one that says 'forget about the cash value' is ringing true at the moment. I have a good part-time job (primary teaching) that pays the bills, so I have time to focus on my designing, my blog, performing, and other creative things. My newest venture is my online cushion shop, which has been near completion for ages, but should finally be up and running within 2 weeks!

If I worried about making  money from this shop....... I'd never do it! It's never going to make me much money. In fact, at the moment, all it's done is put me in debt to fill up my stock cupboard with gorgeous cushion covers. But you know what?........

I don't care.

One of my other favourite inspirational pieces of text is from something I read ages ago, (can't even remember what). But, it talked about following your bliss and doing what you love to do. It went on to say that you can really tell if you love what you're doing if you'd do it without being paid.

There's heaps of things I enjoy doing that actually cost me money, but I do them anyway....

I perform in amateur theatre. The standard of our shows in Ballarat is very high, and a 'season' can continue over many weeks, so it's very exhausting (late nights and still getting up and going to work). We have to pay our membership fee to be part of the performance. Doing shows like Les Miserables is worth it!

I don't ask any money to help friends or even acquaintances with their interior design... I just love doing it! (I do if it's someone I don't know).

And, even if this cushion shop only sells one cushion a week and barely makes any money.... I'm still going to have a blast doing it because it means I have an excuse to research and source gorgeous, handmade cushion covers..... I get to look at them laying prettily in my stock cupboard..... and then I get to share them with other people who hopefully find as much delight in them as I do!

Call me silly, but it makes me happy!!!!

Of course I couldn't do it if I didn't have a 'day job', but I'm truly grateful I can. :)

Next week I'm going to turn the camera around, shoot towards the other end of the dining area, and show you the words and quotes in part of the kitchen.

They're on the wall, on the fridge, on the pantry door...... so lots to look at!

Linda. xox

PS: Did you notice the owl hanging from the doorknob? (I'll give you a close-up another day. He's pretty gorgeous!) I have an owl on every external door except the glass sliding door. (There are 2 owls just outside that one). They're my animal 'totem' of guardianship.... I like them watching over my home. Supposedly, if you have an animal you're strongly attracted to over all others, they're your 'totem', and, meant to protect you from harm. Makes me feel good anyhow, and that's what's important!

P.P.S: I'll be putting up the post for September's Lovely Links Party tomorrow. If you have a post from September you'd like to share, I'd love you to link up with some words and a pic.

See you tomorrow!


More: Here's the post where the 'quote journey' began!


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