Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Wishes....

For December's contribution to the "By Invitation Only...." group that I am part of, we were asked to share stories of our "Best Christmas Ever" and also to share what we would give, if we could give only one "tangible" gift.

Christmas is about family - for better or for worse, like it or not!!

And I grew up with parents in separate homes, dreading having to decide where my brothers & I would be on Christmas Day....there was no right decision. 
Someone was always unhappy.
I am really aware that for some, Christmas can be a very difficult time....

It did mean though that once I had my own family, I had a blank canvas....
and I knew just how I wanted to fill it.

And now that I have my own children, every Christmas feels pretty perfect.

London rarely experiences a white Christmas but I am all about tradition at this time of year.
I love being at home....the city is cold & quiet. 
There's a peacefulness about it that I love.

Of course, the run-up to Christmas is madness....
not enough days, enough evenings to meet up with friends, not enough shopping time.
School events one after the other x 2!! 

For the last couple of years though, I have not shopped as though it was the last Christmas ever, I've said no to an event or two, I've taken time to enjoy the build-up to Christmas Day....
and I've sat down to watch & enjoy a Christmas movie or three.

December always makes me think of Manhattan & the annual shopping trip my husband & I used to make every year around this time. 
Definitely the best Christmas spirit & best decorations that I've ever seen.
If the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City doesn't get you in the Chistmas spirit then nothing will!

Christmas is about being at home though, there's never anywhere else I want to be.

There are certain things that we do as a family each year....
my daughter & my husband choose our Christmas tree whilst my son & I prepare the decorations & make mugs of hot chocolate
we always take the children into central London to see all the Christmas decorations & the shop windows
we watch a lot of Christmas movies....our favourites right now being "Elf", "Miracle on 34th Street" & "It's A Wonderful Life"

My son is only 7 and has already been talking for weeks about the arrival of Father will he be able to get in via our blocked chimney, what happens if one of the reindeer is ill on Christmas Eve, does he really read all the letters he receives, does Father Christmas have a father etc etc?!
The magic of Christmas....

These are the moments that I cherish.

Christmas for me is simply about being with those you love, being's a time of comfort, warmth, good food made with love and thankfulness for all these things.

I hope that each Christmas will be my "perfect Christmas".

If I had to give just one tangible gift, it would be a plane ticket to anywhere of the recipient's choice. Seeing the world is one of the best things you can ever do, the sights & experiences will stay with you forever.

Happy December!!

to see more posts on this topic, head over here to Marsha's blog ....

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