Monday, January 31, 2011

One World One Heart 2011

UPDATE: The One World One Heart prize winner has been picked... and the result can be found HERE!!

Huge thanks to all who entered. It was so lovely to meet you and to discover some wonderful new blogs to visit.


Thanks to the lovely Marianne over at Ruffhaven, I came across this truly wonderful and joyful opportunity to connect to the many unseen yet glorious people out there who blog their hearts and souls out in this cyber community of ours.

One World One Heart for me represents a hope.

A wish.

A dream.

If only our World could come together in a more communal, connected, peaceful, and giving manner, this planet we all call home would become such a better place.

One World One Heart is an event envisioned, created, and orchestrated, by 'one whimsical bohemian' also known as Lisa!

There's heaps of give-aways in the form of 'door prizes' on all the participants' blogs (see my 'door prize' below), and lots of visiting new sites and getting to know amazing new people.

To join, simply visit the event's main page here, (on Lisa's lovely blog), read through the criteria, and blog about it.

Part of the criteria asks me to tell a bit about myself for first time visitors to Heartfire At Home.

Here goes....

I am Linda.

I teach, I design stuff, I blog, and I think an awful lot.

I am fascinated with owls, trees, butterflies, globes, maps, Celtic and Welsh mythology, books, funny or enlightening quotes, codes and ciphers, anything mysterious, the colour red, black holes and how on earth Space works, string theory, writing words that matter, beautiful patterns, inventing weird and wonderful things, other worlds and dimensions, all sorts of animals, art of many types, stationery and paper, and too many other things to mention!!

I don't like celery.

I do like the scent of limes.

Dust bunnies are not welcome in my house (but sneak in when I'm not looking).

Cats make me happy.... so do dogs, otters, owls, ocelots, crows, deer, mice, and squirrels for that matter.

Acorns are cute.

I LOVE my home. It is my own little world, and apart from my family and friends, the epi-centre of my life.

Holistic, atmospheric, interior design is the passion of my life.

I also teach primary school, and am pretty darn passionate about that too.

Some of my best friends are books.

Every room in my home has something red in it. It's like air to me.

If I didn't have music........ life would be very drab indeed.

Singing is in my blood and I perform regularly in plays and musical theatre.

And, dancing is a necessary requirement for my happiness!


Also as part of One World One Heart, I am to offer a 'door prize' to a travelling soul who wanders by my corner of the bloggy world and leaves a comment below.

Anyone from anywhere around the World can enter.

You don't need to be a 'follower', you don't need to leave a super long comment.... just pop in, leave me your email address, and after February the 17th (the finale of One World One Heart), I'll swoosh everyone through the generator at and materialise one lucky winner to notify!

On to the prize......

In keeping with my feeling for the title One World One Heart, I've chosen to include a few items in my 'door prize'.

Two engraved river stones featuring the words HOPE and PEACE. Also a little set of cards entitled 'Jewels Of Wisdom' with wise words on them to motivate, inspire, and simply promote joy each and every day.

There's 24 of them, and they come in a box with a little wooden stand so you can swap them over when you feel like it, and display them where you get the most benefit from seeing and reading them.

I hope whoever wins this little gift package feels the vibes of happiness and gratefulness I will have as I wrap and then send them off to you. And I hope you gain some insight and enjoyment from the beautifully written words on the stones and each little 'jewel of wisdom' card.

Entries close on midnight the 17th of February (Pacific Standard USA time), and I will announce the winner the day after by posting here as well as in a new post. I will also email the winner to notify them of their good luck!

Happy entering everyone!!

Also, HERE'S THE PAGE where you can find all the other participants who'll be offering lovely 'door prizes' too! Be sure to visit and say hi!


It will be so nice to meet you all as I do the rounds of other One World One Heart participants, and thank you Lisa for creating and organising such a wonderful event. :)

Let the travels and sharing of hearts begin!!

Linda. xox


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