Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tips to Design Your Kitchens

Designing a home kitchen involves a great deal of planning to end up with a functional and aesthetically pleasing room. Thoroughly planning the kitchen design before any work begins increases the chances of staying on track and on budget. You're more likely to enjoy the results of the design because you took time to think about what you truly want and need from the kitchen.

1. Set the kitchen design budget. Determine how much you have in savings or from a loan that will go toward the project. Add a buffer into the budget to account for any unexpected expenses.
2. Identify the decorating style for the kitchen design. Keep the style in mind throughout the planning process making sure all of the decisions fit within that style.
3. Measure the kitchen space. Use the measurements to draw a sketch of the kitchen floor plan. Keep the drawing to scale for accurate design. Add in any permanent fixtures such as the electrical outlets and plumbing.
4. Choose the location for the appliances. A triangle arrangement of the sink, stove and refrigerator is the most common arrangement. This allows easy access to these three items that are used frequently while cooking. Keep in mind the electrical outlets and plumbing when locating the appliances.
5.  Add in the countertops and cabinets on the drawing. Include the measurements for each section. Identify the type of wood and the finish you want on the cabinets. Choose a material for the counter tops.
6. Choose the flooring for the kitchen. Tile, linoleum and laminate wood flooring are good options. They are durable and generally hold up well with spills. Consider the overall look you want and the budget. Tile comes in a variety of types and prices making it feasible for almost any kitchen budget.
7. Plan the lighting for the kitchen. Choose an overhead light that will cast general light. Plan for task lighting such as pendant lights over an island or under cabinet lighting around the kitchen.
8. Select the color scheme for the kitchen. Determine which color will serve as the wall color and which colors will be used as accents.
9. Choose wall decorations and other accents for the kitchen. If the cabinets will have space above them, plan for arrangements and decorations you can use to dress up the space. Choose window treatments that match the overall style of the kitchen.

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